Thursday, October 07, 2004

Under the Weather!!

Today Im under strict instructions to stay in bed and get better.....not likely.....Trust Paulie to give me his bloody cold.....

Tried going back to sleep after Paulie left for work, but Lucy thought it would be good to lie on top of me and wiggle like no tomorrow, next the cats tapping the stairs door, letting me know they are all wide awake and rearing to go and a added flavour of Zippy going for gold, chirping, singing and saying HELLLLO in his deep

Just as I was about to go back to sleep, the phone rings .....aaaggghhhh... somebody shoot Ive got up showered and now trying to chill with a bit of day time tv, sure what to eat, bacon and eggs or a sausage buttie or shall I be propper lazy and just have a bag of

Tonite Im going to do a Spag Bol for Paulie with lots of garlic, so no one will be kissing him

Later Aligators.....



Angela Belt-Newcom said...

Rest, rest, rest and drink plenty of fluids. I hope you get to feeling better!

JustSue said...

Get well soon! What's that old wives tale? Feed a cold and starve a fever?

Jennytc said...

Well, you're bound to be feeling better now - it's crunchie day! Have a good weekend!