Friday, October 08, 2004


Another day at home.....boy I wish I could fly away somewhere, I feel propper down at the mo and nothing is lifting me spirits......

As I normally one to get on with work, life etc. I dont normally have time off work cause of a cold, but I must admit this one has got me by the ankles and shook me up...

Today consited of getting up, worried that Paulie had not rung to check I was ok, rang him and guess what, he forgot I was at home and not rang me boss....mind you in three weeks time I will be gone and hopefully to a better job....He rang me boss who was very asked if I would be back on Monday!!

This afternoon was snooze time, me, Lucy and the three amigos got on the sofa and slepted our hearts out....

As I was feeling better, when Paulie got home from work we decided to go to our local Wholesalers to get the flowers for my boquet. Paulie decided he would drive my car...MISTAKE...BIG MISTAKE...

First it was wall to wall cars on the motorway, then we came off at the correct juction only for Paulie to drive back on the motorway...PILCHARD...then we had to drive 20 mins out of our way to get back on the motorway....lets say there were a few choice words in the car, we arrived at our destination to find the bloody place shut up early...eeebbbygeeebbbys....

Now its mega chill time, its CRUNCHIE DAY and off course no bloody alarm clock in the

Have a lovely weekend


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