Wednesday, August 18, 2004


Well yesterday, I heard some news, some good, but mostly bad!

One of my colluges at work has been offered a really good promotion and has grabbed it with both hands, dont blame him to be honest....that leaves his job open. I was hoping for the promotion myself but was informed that this Pillock that Ive already worked with before was coming in for a short time. Im gutted, this twit thinks he knows it all and will do anything to get into the Bosses good books and calls everyone MATE....

As we had our meeting yesterday and was told the news, everyone knew I was not a happy bunnie when I turned the air BLUE at the thought of having to work with this CRETIN again!!

Today I have been in to see my new boss and we had a chat and I expressed my feelings and told him what a rough ride it had been with so many people coming and going and just being expected to do the job without any understanding of my work load....

He is now interviewing for the position which has cheered me up a ickle bit as Im one of the canidates,the only other prob is a girl that worked for him before will be being interviewed as well.... my CV is already printed off and waiting in me bag for tomorrow along with me pork and mayo



1 comment:

Jennytc said...

I've been in a similar situation myself so you have all my sympathy. But, think positive - and good luck with the interview when it comes!