Saturday, August 28, 2004

New Arrival!

What a hetic couple of days!

Its been mad at work esp with us being off next week, I think me new boss is seeing how far he can push me for this new job, every other word out of his mouth is:-

Debbie can you do this?

Debbie have you finished that?

Debbie let me know when you have finished as Ive got something else for you!!

Ive been run

This morning we have been and done some shopping and also treated meself to some new pjs, followed by getting our new kitty "Eric".

At the mo, Lucy is whining like mad cause she really wants to investigate this new bundle of At one point you could not hear yourself think cause of the racket she is making....Toddy & Misty have been and had a look but are leaving him alone till he settles in, we hope....

Tonite we are going for a meal with some friends from work, Im really looking forward to it, esp as its just up the road from us, so neither Paulie or me will be heads in the morning.....


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