Sunday, September 26, 2004

Lazy Days and Sundays

After a very lazy start yesterday morning, we decided to visit Paulies Grandma, she is lovely, we took our Lucy with us, Grandma seems to be a pet magnet like me and our Lucy would not leave her alone...bless...

When we got home our Lucy was knackered and got straight into her basket for a snooze only trouble was the three amigos were in there was like....There were four in the bed and the ickle one said.....

After a very chilled nite of me and Paulie propper cuddling on the sofa, we got up this morning all fresh and ready to go, we started with the usual sunday breakfast, followed by the usual washing and pegging out, then we were propper good and cleaned both cars inside and out, they are now lemonie fresh and

This afternoon we had a ride to our local garden centre for some parrot food and had a look at the fish tanks, when we move house, hopefully to a bigger one we are going to set a tropical tank up then with all neons and nice glowing fishes....

On the way home Paulie had a silly look on his face, when I asked what was wrong, he gave me the most sorrowfull look and said....I think I have replies OH NO....NOT MAN he sat on the sofa sniffleing his head off and looking very sorry for lets see how many days he takes off work this


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