Went on the scales this morning and yess another 2lbs lost that makes it 15lbs upto now....yippee....fandabbiedozie....I could squash a grape...lol...
Its been fun and games at work, the lady who is now nickmane "Grotbags" had a right fruity today and I went an seen the Financial controller and told him that I could not work with such a grumpy cow and the feelings in the office are running very high....I said if it carries on that i would leave and his reply was...that he backed me 100% and not to get worked up as he would sort it all out....I wont hold me breath....lol...
On a liter note, we are nearly there with all the prep for the wedding all there is to do is finish me dress off, but the dress maker is leaving it till the last min in case I loose some more weight....The bridesmaids dress are now complete and they love them to bits which is a relief.
Time to chill after a rollercoaster day....tomorrow should be better...I hope...lol...

Yayyyyy, only 16 days to go now, you must be soooo excited :o)
Congratulations on the weight loss. That's a smart move by your dress maker to wait until just before the wedding to see how much more you have lost - and believe me you will lose more on the run up to the big day. It must be all that nervous excitement - just burns up the calories! Totally thrilled for you both as your big day approaches! *hugs*
I'm excited for you! make sure to post pictures of the dresses! I love the dressing up!!!!
December 21? That is the Winter Solstice, I think! Wow, and if it snows, then it will be a very white wedding. Hope the cake is yummy and the honeymoon is relaxing.
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